

It's hard to hire high-tech experts.

Maybe finding a trustworthy cautious driver is easy. However finding a trustworthy, knowledgeable, rounded programmer is very hard for people who are not experts in software development.

Let's face it. We know nothing about the human heart. We lack the knowledge of its anatomy, physiology, pathology, and treatment. We don't know when and why it malfunctions and how to fix it. Then how can we hire a heart doctor? We even might not know that the job title of a heart doctor is a cardiologist.

The same holds for you. You are an expert in your field, but you might not know a lot of things about programming and software development. Who to hire? What is a good job description and responsibilities to expect, based on your true requirements and needs? Where to publish your job ad? What age? What background? How to assess the skills? How to evaluate previous experiences? What to ask in the interview?

We do this part in a sophisticated manner. You can even test our system as an expert employee to see how sophisticated our recruitment system is. We have created custom software to manage it. So, we believe this is one main reason that you should let us develop your custom software for you.


Selecting a good stack of technology and tools can be the difference between success and failure.

For a typical online presence you need a website, we panel where your customers can log in, an administration area where you can manage the content of your website, a couple of landings for your outbound marketing, good content for your SEO, and in some cases mobile applications. Multiply that by at least ten available technologies available for each part, and you realize that selecting technologies is not a joke.

You literally end up deciding about cloud provider, database, server-side programming language, server-side framework, operating system, web servers, front-end programming language, front-end framework, software for writing code (IDE), software to manage code and its versioning and history (VCS), and many more decisions. And for each decision you should choose amongst tens of tens of available options. Modern solutions do not make it simpler. For example, Azure has more than 250 services available now. Which one do you need? Which one should you choose?

Just to consider server-side programming, which one will you choose? PHP, C#, Ruby, Java, Rust, Python, Node.js, Golang, Perl, Haskell, Groovy, Dart? Which one? How about PHP? Which framework? Laravel, Symphony, Zend, CakePHP, CodeIgniter? See? That's just the beginning of a long list of options. It's just the tip of the iceberg.

We have hand-crafted a list of the best technologies based on our experience, the statistics online, and the value they can bring forth for small to mid-sized businesses like your company. This is another reason that we believe you should hire employees we have provided for you part-time, and use our infrastructure that we have built over the years.


The five famous forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjouring steps

Team development consumes a good amount of dedicated resources. The most well-known model, the Tuckman model describes a storming phase that can occur again and again, consuming even more of the resources.

One person alone will not make your online presence a successful experience. You need a team, each member with specialized expertise. You need front-end developers, back-end developers, SEO experts, graphic designers, marketers, project managers, and more. The necessity of a team for success is beyond question. The question is, what it takes to form that team?

The most famous model, the Tuckman model tells us that there are five stages for team development (group development in general). You form the team, they sort of fight over roles and decisions and benefits, then they get used to each other and the overall process, then they can deliver value (work on the product and services) and at the end team or members of it get separated.

The storming phase can take thousands of dollars from your budget. And it's inevitable. You can't bypass it. You have to go directly through it if you want to have your own team. And for companies that can afford it, it's not a problem. But we know a lot of SMBs can't afford their budgets to be spent on creating a team. That's why we strongly suggest that you test hiring our employees. We have passed these stages.


Quality control and quanlity assurance are essential for successful online presence

It's not enough to create software. It's also necessary to consider quality. Even consumers who can not afford expensive products, still expect quality for what they buy. This holds for end users of software too.

You give your team members tasks and they claim that they have performed it. How can you make sure that what they did is what you wanted them to do? What is your procedure for that? Are you going to trust them and enter the market hoping that things work?

What if they spend weeks on a feature, and deliver something that is not what you wanted in the first place? What if it's not fast enough? What if it does not follow the minimum requirements of a good UX? Are you ready to spend your budget on re-wring it again?

Wouldn't it be better if you could monitor the production process? Imagine a world in which machines monitor your team members a couple of times daily. Is that not fantastic? Let us build your next software and see the output quality for yourself.


Code is done, only when end users work with it and get their job done.

Writing code is one thing, deploying that code to the server to make it available to end users is totally another thing. What if we tell you that based on what we experienced your team needs to spend 20% to 40% of your budget on deployment? How does that feel to spend your money on something that is not directly translated into features and services to make your money back?

You should find a good hosting provider. Then set up the server whether it's VPS, dedicated, or even serverless in the cloud. Then connect your technology to it by creating and configuring a CI/CD pipeline. And you should create a simple way to execute or start that pipeline. All of this means more cost for your project. Most developers are not experts in this field, which means you might need to hire someone only for this job.

The bad part is that CI/CD pipeline is not a one-time task to be done and left there. It's part of your system now. Almost any refactor your team does (which Robert C. Martin aptly claimed that 80 percent of our coding is maintenance), needs to adjust that CI/CD too. But if you let us create your software, it's handled for you out of the box. Because we have a unique architecture and a lot of automated infrastructure.


It's all good and everybody is happy until you ask your team for a new feature.

We've seen it countless times. A company forms a team, creates software, delivers it to the market, and makes more money, only to find out that the software can not be easily changed to add new features. Let's emphasize that again. We have seen it many times. Even after a couple of years teams hit the wall of the rigidity of the software they have created.

To be honest, no team is immune from software rigidity and inextensibility. After all, you can't a jack-of-all-trade software, just the way you can't make a jack-of-all-trade card. Either it's an accounting software, or it's a game. These two different applications can not be extended to include the other. The question is when to hit that wall. For bad teams, it's less than a year without helping the business to even taste the income boost. For good teams, it might be after 5 to 10 years of operation and helping the business to jump multiple times to the next level.

Our infrastructure is extensible. We have taken the module-driven development approach, and we divide our software into smaller pieces. Do you want a blog out of the box? We got you. Do you want to customize it a little bit? We still got you. Do you want to integrate your blog authors with your salary and payroll? We got you. Do you want an entirely different blog? We still got you.





Employees leave companies for many reasons.